Confirmation spans grades 7 through 10, with 10th graders being confirmed on the last Sunday of October (Reformation Sunday). This is a time of learning, questioning, and living into the Gospel out in the world. Grades 7 and 8 meet most Wednesday evenings after school during the school year, and grades 9 and 10 meet monthly on Sundays after worship at OSL. We walk through the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism, tapping into our Lutheran heritage and the scriptures that have guided Christians for centuries. Each step of the way, we find ways to apply what we learn into our lives, through volunteering, worship and personal reflection. And of course, there is always space for fun and games.
Confirmation comes with requirements to help youth be intentional about using this time to dig into their faith. Information sessions are offered before confirmation beings in the fall each year to explain these requirements. Please contact Pastor Amber or Heather Goroski with additional questions.