
Supporting the ministry of OSL-Melo by giving financial gifts helps us in taking care of our holy spaces, paying our supportive staff, and ministering to people in our communities and beyond. There are different ways to give, and specific fund we would like to highlight in our churches.


Ways to Give

Weekly Offering Envelopes:

Online Giving:


General Fund: This fund covers most aspects of our ministries, as well as upkeep of our holy spaces. Some of the money stays here, funding our education programs, activities, buildings, staff, and the like. While some of it goes to support the work of the wider ELCA, both at the churchwide and synod levels. While gifts can be given to specific designation to budget items, donating to the general fund helps ensure all aspects of our ministries are covered.

Memorials and Scholarship Funds: These fund are given for a variety of reasons: to remember loved ones, to maintain the legacy of individuals and families, or simply to help others out. Our High School seniors have the opportunity to apply for donated scholarships in April each year to support their college education. Evidence of memorials are present everywhere in our churches, from stained glass windows to pianos. If you desire to create a memorial or a scholarship fund, please contact the church office or members of the endowment committee.

Endowment Fund: This fund was established to allow our churches to reach beyond ourselves in giving to others. Only 1/4 of the moneys in this fund stay within the church for capital improvements. Otherwise, the money goes to support scholarship grants, outreach in our local community, and mission beyond our community. Please contact members of the endowment fund to discuss making donations to this fund.